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Worksheet Categories Archives: CBT

  • Beyond the ABC CBT Model Worksheet Cover

    Worksheet: Beyond the ABC Cognitive Behavioural Model

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients better manage their thoughts and emotions for improved emotional resilience Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) highlight that our emotional and behavioural disturbances are significantly influenced by our thoughts and deeply ingrained beliefs. For instance, pervasive thoughts like “I am unlovable” […]

  • Relapse Prevention Planning Worksheet Cover

    Relapse Prevention Planning Worksheet

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients stay committed to their addiction recovery and manage triggers effectively Relapse is a common challenge for individuals recovering from addiction. Even after significant progress, the temptation to return to old habits can be strong, particularly in stressful situations or when faced with familiar triggers. Addressing […]

  • Self-Compassion for Past Self Worksheet Cover

    Worksheet: Self-Compassion for Past Self

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients foster self-compassion by addressing and healing from their past experiences Self-compassion is an essential component of mental health, yet many individuals struggle with self-criticism, particularly when reflecting on their past. Clients who harbour feelings of shame, regret, or self-hatred about their past selves can find […]

  • Self-Compassion Worksheet Cover

    Self-Compassion Worksheet

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients develop self-compassion and enhance their mental wellbeing Self-compassion is a crucial aspect of mental health that is sometimes overlooked. Many clients struggle with harsh self-criticism, leading to increased anxiety, depression, and a diminished sense of self-worth. When your client learns to treat themselves with the […]

  • Reframing Negative Thoughts Worksheet Cover

    Reframing Negative Thoughts Worksheet

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients challenge and change their negative thinking patterns Pervasive negative thinking can shape how individuals perceive the world, themselves, and their future. It often manifests as persistent pessimism, harsh self-criticism, or catastrophic predictions, leading to feelings of depression, anxiety, and a diminished sense of wellbeing. A […]

  • Stop Negative Self-Talk Worksheet Cover

    Stop Negative Self-Talk Worksheet

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients challenge negative thoughts and cultivate self-compassion Negative self-talk can significantly impact your client’s mental health and wellbeing. It often manifests as critical, self-doubting, or pessimistic thoughts that undermine self-esteem, increase stress, and hinder personal growth. Addressing negative self-talk can help your client develop a healthier […]

  • OCD - Behavioral Approaches Worksheet Cover

    Worksheet: Behavioural Approaches to Managing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients tackle obsessive-compulsive behaviours Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be difficult to treat using solely cognitive-based approaches due to the powerful anxiety component of the condition. While addressing both the mental and behavioural aspects of OCD is crucial, directly treating the anxiety that comes with it using […]

  • Cognitive Approaches Worksheet Cover

    Worksheet: Cognitive Approaches to Managing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients deal with obsessive thoughts Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves intense obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours and can make the sufferer’s life very difficult. OCD often involves repetitive thoughts and an overwhelming urge to perform specific actions, which can disrupt daily functioning and strain personal relationships. Understanding […]

  • Social Anxiety - Cognitive Strategies Worksheet Cover

    Overcoming Social Anxiety: Cognitive Strategies Worksheet

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help clients improve thinking skills around social situations Social anxiety is more than just shyness; it’s a deep-seated fear of social interactions that can strongly inhibit your client’s ability to engage with others. This anxiety can manifest in excessive worry about what others think, fear of embarrassment, or […]

  • Social Anxiety - Behavioural Strategies Worksheet Cover

    Overcome Social Anxiety: Behavioural Strategies Worksheet

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help clients develop behaviours to reduce anxiety in social situations Social anxiety, or social phobia, can restrict your client’s ability to engage comfortably in everyday social interactions. Although it is not unusual to feel a little nervous socially at times, serious social anxiety involves powerful physical symptoms like […]