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I Statement Worksheet: Enhancing Dialogue and Reducing Conflict

I Statement Worksheet Cover

Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients have difficult conversations more comfortably

We all know how essential effective communication is to keep our relationships healthy, whether personal or professional. And particularly in difficult conversations, the way we express dissatisfaction can either open up a dialogue or shut it down.As established in the work by the Gottman Institute, using ‘I’ statements instead of ‘you’ statements helps prevent conversations from escalating into conflicts. This approach involves framing thoughts and feelings from the speaker’s perspective rather than placing blame or criticism on the listener.The I Statement Worksheet is designed to help clients learn how to express their feelings and needs without provoking defensiveness in others. This approach not only improves the likelihood of being heard but also fosters mutual understanding and respect.Through working with you on the worksheet’s exercises, your client will learn the important concepts of:
  • Soft start-ups: Teach the importance of beginning conversations gently to avoid harsh reactions.
  • Criticisms vs. complaints: Help clients distinguish between attacking a person’s character and addressing a specific action.
  • Specificity in communication: Through role play, encourage the use of specific language to avoid inaccuracies and overgeneralizations.
And through the client’s reflections on example scenarios and exercises, you’ll see the benefits of their:
  • Improved communication skills: Clients learn effective ways to express their thoughts and feelings that foster understanding.
  • Reduced conflict: By minimizing defensive reactions, clients can engage in more productive and less confrontational exchanges.
  • Enhanced relationships: Better communication leads to stronger, healthier relationships, both personally and professionally.
By bringing the I Statement Worksheet into your therapeutic practice, you can provide your clients with valuable tools for communication that promote clarity, empathy, and respect. Encourage your clients to regularly practise these exercises to become more adept at expressing themselves effectively for more positive interactions and greater satisfaction in their relationships and daily lives. An editable version of this worksheet is free to members of Uncommon Practitioners’ TV

Download I Statement Worksheet

The I Statement printable PDF worksheet is an essential resource for therapists to help clients learn how to express their feelings and needs without provoking defensiveness in others.

Mark Tyrrell

About Mark Tyrrell

Psychology is my passion. I've been a psychotherapist trainer since 1998, specializing in brief, solution focused approaches. I now teach practitioners all over the world via our online courses.

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