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William Johnson

The thought put into designing the course was remarkable. There were plenty of diagrams and charts to drive the points home and provide a clear visual understanding of the technique in action. The course was exceptional in its entirety.

If you are thinking about taking the Rewind course and are the least bit skeptical, don’t be. The first client I treated with Rewind had a 20-year phobia of rodents and had adverse reactions to even the mention of the words ‘rat’ or ‘mouse’. She could not view rodents on television either, for it caused a tremendous spike in her anxiety levels. During the interview part of our first session, her anxiety reached a level of 8 when I mentioned that I would be asking her about rats! I hadn’t even officially started the session at this point!

After we did the Rewind, she still displayed some nervous tension, but when I graded her on a scale of of 1-10, she was between 2 and 3! A 2 was our actual goal. She couldn’t believe it and wanted to test. I pulled up an entire page full of rats online not knowing what to expect. She sat in front of the computer and began to nonchalantly comment on some of the more gross pictures (rats giving birth, dead rats, rats with giant yellow teeth, etc.) and even joked about a baby rat being cute!

This was crazy. Thirty minutes earlier, I couldn’t say the word ‘rat’ to her. Now she can see them online and laugh about it. We were both amazed. Next, I will treat her for OCD. She’s excited to begin.

I am now actively looking for trauma sufferers to treat. Everyone else that treats trauma is so into CBT and EMDR that they are ignoring the most POWERFUL technique that we have to treat PTSD, OCD, anxiety, and phobias. The best part is that the Rewind is still relatively unknown to the public and even to quite a few therapists. Many of the therapists that have heard of Rewind are so stuck in their old ways that they refuse to acknowledge Rewind’s profound power. This presents a massive opportunity to smart and open-minded people like us. For the first time in many of our lives, we have the chance to actually be trailblazers and leaders in our field! This is an incredible opportunity to take charge, become financially secure, and fulfill a sense of purpose in life. We can be responsible for making Rewind known to the entire world! Please take the Rewind course. You will be glad that you did!

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Mark Tyrrell

About Mark Tyrrell

Psychology is my passion. I've been a psychotherapist trainer since 1998, specializing in brief, solution focused approaches. I now teach practitioners all over the world via our online courses.

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