The whole course is simply amazing! I really love it. I started doing inductions and deepeners according to the course scripts and my clients commented, “Wow, that was very deep, I felt so relaxed, I was so deep I could never believe that I can relax so deeply.”
While before the course, my inductions were lacking power and I didn’t know how to be more effective in relaxing my clients. Now I’m so pleased with the inductions and all the course material I learned in the course. Because of this course I’m a better therapist now (I can honestly say this!).
One thing I liked in particular is “splitting”, which for me is the cream of the course! And there’s so much more! It’s a very valuable course with videos and PDF material – course available in any form. I highly recommend it!
I’m a way better therapist now, even though I’m a trained hypnotherapy practitioner from another college. This course takes my therapies to another level now. I’m very happy I did the course; the skills I accrued are priceless!
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