Examples of use of the Rewind Technique: 1. Female, 18yrs about to totally give up college and subsequent University offer because of a very strange and quite complex phobia triggered by certain cars and (even more bizarrely) people with a certain appearance. Single session and she was transformed. She is still fine and at University (18 months on) 2. Man 41. Fear of elevators (after being trapped in a lift and a helpful fellow passenger shaking the car and talking about plunging downward) – Session and telephone back-up. He later visited NYC and went to both the Empire State Building and the Rockefeller centre.
Mark Tyrrell's Therapy Skills » Testimonials » Michael Keay
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About Mark Tyrrell
Psychology is my passion. I've been a psychotherapist trainer since 1998, specializing in brief, solution focused approaches. I now teach practitioners all over the world via our online courses. Read more about Uncommon Knowledge
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