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Mark Marsland

On Tuesday I had the blessing of working with a deeply traumatised client who presented with low self esteem, violent mood swings and anxiety with occasional panic attacks. This client had suffered constant verbal and physical abuse over a period spanning just over 10 years. Although she had tried talking therapies the actual cause of the trauma had never been addressed.

She actually thought she had dealt with the issues and they did not bother her, her initial consultation she thought was around PMT but as I gently questioned and unpicked her problems my gut feeling told me they we’re connected to something much deeper. Once it was clear, tears flowed freely in a very positive way, I reassured her this was a good thing and actually a sign that these emotions and trauma had not been dealt with, how they were actually putting the brakes on her life still and how wonderful did she think she would feel to not have them weighing her down so she could fly again and truly be herself once more.

So without her going into too much detail, keeping her calm and relaxed, we pinpointed three key times from the beginning, middle and end of those ten years as the pointers we would use for the Rewind Technique … I had identified her main modalities and used these for her special place, which was a local beauty spot she loved and often walked round. She had quite a problem allowing me to guide her, as she had a block with being directed and being looked at by a male directly linked to past trauma … I gently coaxed her using neutral terminology along the lines of how nice it would feel to allow her eyes to close and she was in total control of her journey into wonderful, beautiful, deep, healing relaxation. Once she closed her eyes and was taking those deep breaths she relaxed very quickly, she was able to see the TV screen hovering above her, which is where she put it and through the double dissociation see herself calmly watching the screen, fast forwarding and then floating back into her special place, then into the screen and on super fast rewind through all three key events, to a point just before and just after when all was calm and normal once more.

Well what can I say other then WOW!!! When I reoriented her it was obvious we had unhooked the tether to that past trauma, she was visibly much calmer and laughing as she sang a song her tormentor used to tap out on a wall and sing to summon her to him, this was a song she could not bear to hear. Seeing her so happy and changed actually had a very strong emotional impact on me as I was visibly chocked too. It was an incredibly profound, powerful and positive experience.

I qualified way back in 1988 at 21 years of age, running my practise for 18 months, I was told at that time I was the UK’s youngest qualified and practising Hypnotherapist. I got the chance to play American Football in the states at collegiate level and for some reason never picked up the reigns again, though the interest remained. I requalified 2 years ago with Chrysalis through Notts University but was still trying to cling to the outdoor sports environment I had run a successful business in but was forced to step away from. I was doubting my abilities even though I had been put forward for a distinction and more course tutor very kindly emailed me when I did not get that distinction to say I was the most naturally gifted Hypnotherapist she had seen in 15 years of practicing and teaching, her words meant way more then that distinction, yet still I held back!

Well 2016 is the year I launch my new practice and let people know that I am here to help them gain positive lasting change in their lives. Thanks to you Mark and your superb training materials not only am I confident that this will help change the lives of many people I am blessed to work with but that it is indeed my true calling, along with motivational speaking and writing beautiful words for beautiful people. If you are reading this and are unsure about taking that step into the unknown or wrestling with self doubt in your own abilities, then please use me as an example or PM me so we can share our journey together as we lift, heal and inspire those around us. We can’t move forward looking back but we MUST accept the responsibility we have been gifted to help others with such life changing tools.

Thanks again Mark and Roger, you will find me asking many questions and contributing here frequently to better myself and help others on their journey also … Uncommon you most certainly are … I look forward to taking more courses on that quest to be an exceptional practitioner.

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Mark Tyrrell

About Mark Tyrrell

Psychology is my passion. I've been a psychotherapist trainer since 1998, specializing in brief, solution focused approaches. I now teach practitioners all over the world via our online courses.

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