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Larisa Lipianu

I really enjoyed the Rewind Technique course created by Uncommon Practitioners. The course materials were easy to follow and everything was extremely well explained and clear. I especially liked the diagram used with the dolls to explain the technique and the supportive materials shared, including the explanation of why traumatic memories stay in our memory and how the Rewind Technique helps the brain process them. It’s helped me a lot to explain it to the clients. I also found it really valuable to learn about the Primal Human Needs and to watch the recorded case studies with the technique demonstrated.

I was able to start helping my clients straight away and help someone resolve a lifelong PTSD. I would recommend this to all practitioners.

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Mark Tyrrell

About Mark Tyrrell

Psychology is my passion. I've been a psychotherapist trainer since 1998, specializing in brief, solution focused approaches. I now teach practitioners all over the world via our online courses.

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