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Larisa Lipianu

The UPTV has been amazing for my growth as a practitioner. I love watching the live demonstrations with the clients and seeing how I could use the techniques I learned in creative ways. I have qualified as a hypnotherapist three years ago and I only recently started to practice it with clients, so this UPTV has been a gift from God in my learning journey. The conversations with the clients help me massively to expand my knowledge and to feel confident in taking on clients with similar issues I saw demonstrated in the video. Previously, I wouldn’t have had the confidence that I can help clients. The courses here are very well put together with clear examples and videos where we can creatively use each technique. They are an amazing resource to learn about therapy and improve my techniques and it is something I wish all counselling school would recommend. I have been watching or listening to a client video twice a week and each time I am learning new things to support my client. I’ve had positive and rapid results with my clients due to this channel. I would recommend this to all the therapists.

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Mark Tyrrell

About Mark Tyrrell

Psychology is my passion. I've been a psychotherapist trainer since 1998, specializing in brief, solution focused approaches. I now teach practitioners all over the world via our online courses.

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