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Learn the Rewind Technique with Mark Tyrrell of Uncommon Knowledge

More than 25 years teaching this remarkable (often single session) trauma/PTSD treatment to thousands of health professionals makes Mark uniquely placed to help you integrate it into your work.

Trapped Women

Every practitioner knows that trauma is a part of many problems. But very few know to what extent, and more importantly, how to treat trauma quickly.

And if you treat people with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) or severe phobias, you’ll know these are among the worst things to live with.

But it’s not just PTSD. (As if that weren’t enough.)

Sad Woman

Depression, anxiety conditions, obsessive thoughts, OCD, addictions and substance abuse – all these problems and more are often ‘powered’ by hidden trauma.

So when you’ve got a client whose depression you just can’t lift, an addiction that just won’t shift, or anxiety that keeps coming back no matter what you do, it’s worth considering that a trauma may be driving it.

And then, when you know trauma is present, what do you do about it?

Since the first World War, psychologists and psychiatrists have been trying to treat trauma in a myriad of frightening ways:

  • having sufferers relive the trauma again and again, making the symptoms worse not better
  • using critical incident stress debriefing as a standard practise for helping emergency services deal with traumatic experiences in the line of duty
  • inducing diabetic comas via insulin injection
  • using anti-anxiety or anti-depression drugs for years with no improvements.

And of course using cognitive therapy to treat trauma is nigh-on impossible – that’s like trying to tether a raging bull with sewing thread.

So what treatment does work for trauma?

To understand this, we need to first see exactly what trauma is. So let’s get back to basics.

What exactly is happening when someone has a traumatic flashback? For example, a soldier who has been in a war zone is walking down the street and a car backfires. Instantly he feels as if he’s back in the front line and reacts as if a bomb has just gone off nearby.

Soldier Walking

But he knows he’s on a normal street, so what is going on? It’s as if he never took off his combats. His brain has ‘pattern matched’ the backfire to being similar to the sound of gunfire or explosions and triggered the ‘fight or flight’ response in him. He is flooded with adrenaline and his overwhelming instinct is to run.

In his brain there is what we call a ‘global pattern’ for loud bangs, created by the focusing effect of the terror he experienced in battle. This is very different to the pattern you and I have for it, which will make us jump but once our brain figures out what caused the bang, it steps down the alert procedure.

However, this global pattern in the ex-soldier’s brain has no context to it (in other words, it doesn’t matter where he is when the sound occurs, or what else is going on around him). His brain has decided that this sound is so closely linked to potential death that it warrants being a global pattern that goes off at the slightest provocation.

So our job as a practitioner is to turn this global pattern back into a contextualized one. Or in other words, to stop his brain setting off the alarm when he hears a bang.

We need the soldier to be able to hear a car backfire as just that.

But how can we do this when traumatic memories are so powerful?

Anyone who has ever treated a traumatized person knows that even talking about the traumatic incident can catapult them into a highly emotional state.

And once they’re highly emotional again, you can do nothing until they calm down.

So this tells us that we have to somehow approach the memory without them becoming emotional.

And this is where the Rewind Technique comes in.

Although it seems almost too simple, the Rewind is a precision instrument.

Sleeping Tiger

When you’re dealing with a traumatic memory, you need to approach it carefully and quietly, like tiptoeing up to a sleeping tiger.

Roaring Tiger

The structure of the Rewind and the language used is precisely designed to hold the client in a specific relationship to the memory so that it can be re-processed by the technique and contextualized. This way, as we explained above, it can stop being a global pattern firing off alarms all over the place, so there are no roaring tigers in your therapy session.

And the beautiful thing about the Rewind Technique is that you don’t even need to know any detail about the traumatic memory – so it is highly respectful to the client.

The Rewind Technique Course

Mark Tyrrell

My company Uncommon Knowledge has been training practitioners in how to use the Rewind Technique for many years. We did this for 10 years as part of our professional level diploma course taught from a university in the UK. When we stopped running our diploma course, we created a new online format for the Rewind Technique course – a combination of video, audio, and other supporting materials in a user-friendly online space called Uncommon U, which we created specifically to make online learning easy and enjoyable. Our online course is recognized by the Red Poppy Company, an organization dedicated to enabling traumatized war veterans to get access to fast, effective treatment.

Community of Like Minded People

Join a community of like-minded people

Throughout the course you’ll be able to converse with your fellow students, discuss cases with them or myself, review and repeat any material as you feel necessary, and ask questions in the comments section in Uncommon U or save them up for the monthly live Q&A sessions.

We guarantee the course’s effectiveness

You’ve already heard just what a lifesaver the Rewind Technique is. Which is why I am so keen to get as many practitioners trained in it as possible. And I believe that once you’ve completed the course, you’ll feel exactly the same. When you get that first call from a client whose traumatic symptoms have lifted, you’ll know just what I mean. But I understand that this is a serious investment, and you need to know that it is going to be worth it, so the only thing I can really do to take the pressure off you is give you this guarantee.

Image of Refund Guarantee

I promise you will be astonished at the results you get treating your next 3 traumatized clients after completing the course. And that they will feel much better after a single session. You are the judge. If you don’t agree this is the case, simply ask and I’ll refund you. You see, I really want as many practitioners to know the Rewind Technique as possible. PTSD and phobias are terrible things to live with, and it is so unnecessary. We can join together to contribute to doing something about this terrible loss of potential. I hope this gives you the peace of mind you need to go ahead and book your place now.

What’s included in the Rewind Technique course?

  • Instant access to Uncommon U – our user-friendly online learning platform available through your browser or our dedicated app. Read, listen to, or download course materials, watch videos and gain access to the private commenting areas where you can discuss the course, clients and ideas with Mark and other course delegates.
  • Comprehensive course notes – 91 pages available online in PDF format.
  • Client PTSD treatment videos – watch Mark treat a client with PTSD, along with the follow up session.
  • Snake Phobia Cure – watch Mark treat a man with a snake phobia using the Rewind Technique.
  • 3 client audio sessions – listen to Mark use the Rewind with a client suffering from trauma-driven depression.
  • Client trauma treatment video – watch Mark treat a client who was emotionally and physically abused as a child.
  • 2 bonus videos – 3 unusual applications of the Rewind Technique, plus treating OCD with the Rewind Technique.
  • Monthly live question & answer session with Mark – join your fellow students from this and our other courses to ask Mark questions about the course and any therapy-related queries you have. You can ask your questions live on the call or submit them beforehand and if you can’t make the live calls, they’ll be available to download the following day (in mp3 format).
  • Full word-by-word Rewind Technique script – providing the full Rewind Technique structure for a client session, which can be modified as your confidence and experience of the technique grows with each client.
  • Checklist before practise – the essentials pared down for a quick memory boost.
  • Your client questions answered – the collective Uncommon Knowledge brain will work on your single most pressing trauma client problem for you, either in Uncommon U or in private by email.
  • Self test quizzes to embed your knowledge.
  • Certificate of completion – On successful completion of the course, you will receive a personalized certificate and confirmation of 10 CPD hours/points earned.
  • Access to the Uncommon Practitioners Private Facebook Group where you can chat with like-minded practitioners, get support, discuss cases or just share your latest beautiful photo.

BONUS: Trauma and Phobia Client Attractor Pack

So you’ve done the course and you’re ready to quickly treat trauma and phobias. You’ve had a few clients and you’re amazed at the success you’ve had.

But how do you tell the world (or, at least, your community) that you can successfully treat trauma and phobias?

Well, we’re here to help. As a bonus, everyone who does the Rewind Technique course, will receive a FREE Client Attractor Pack.

Ready made marketing materials to bring clients into your practice

Client Attractor Pack Images

We know how difficult marketing can be. According to the surveys we’ve done and the discussions we’ve had with our therapist friends, that’s one area that people said they had particular trouble with. We’ve heard time and time again that they’d prefer to focus on their clients, not on continually drumming up business.

But once you get the resources you need from the Client Attractor Pack, you’ll be able to boost the numbers of clients coming through your door.

The Client Attractor Pack contains:

  • Postcard layout
  • Business card layout
  • Phone script to convert enquirers to clients
  • Content for your website
  • Attract, convince and convert clients better than any trauma treatment practitioner in your area.

When does the course start?

The Rewind Technique course starts as soon as you can log in! You take the course at your own pace (there is no fixed end date).

Do I need to know hypnosis to take the course?

To use the Rewind, you will need some experience of using your voice to relax your clients. I believe this is an invaluable skill because relaxation is so valuable in treating anxiety-based conditions.

So to help those of you who weren’t taught voice-based relaxation as part of your training, you can get our Uncommon Hypnotherapy course for US $100 off as part of your course booking.

Enrol on the Rewind Technique course below:

(You can convert from US dollars to GBP, EUR, AUD, CAD or NZD during the checkout process)

Rewind Technique course (Instant Online & App Access)

Rewind Technique Course Screenshot

Course + 1:1 Coaching with Mark Tyrrell

Instant access to the course plus 1 to 1 coaching with Mark Tyrrell
Includes full course plus an hour's coaching on Zoom with Mark.

Prefer to pay in instalments? Click here

US $100 off Uncommon Hypnotherapy for those who need to learn hypnosis:

(You can convert from US dollars to GBP, EUR, AUD, CAD or NZD during the checkout process)

Rewind Technique course + Uncommon Hypnotherapy (Instant Online & App Access)

Rewind Technique & Uncommon Hypnotherapy Course Screenshot

Courses + 1:1 Coaching with Mark Tyrrell

Instant access to the courses plus 1 to 1 coaching with Mark Tyrrell
Includes full course plus an hour's coaching on Zoom with Mark.

Prefer to pay in instalments? Click here

Testimonials from our previous delegates

"I asked about the social phobia; she said, "Which phobia?""

I have used the Rewind Technique for my clients with... Read More
- Silvia Hain, Hypnotherapist / Alternative Health Practitioner for Psychotherapy, Radolfzell (Konstanz), Germany.

"Easy to follow and everything was extremely well explained and clear"

I really enjoyed the Rewind Technique course created by Uncommon... Read More
- Larisa Lipianu, Clinical Hypnotherapist, United Arab Emirates.

"You feel totally secure in being able to apply your learning immediately"

I can honestly say this is one of the most... Read More
- Diana Gunner, Psychotherapist, Somerset, UK.

"The lonely world of practitioners is a little smaller and more supportive"

Well presented and very clear instruction; love Mark's relaxed and... Read More
- Chris Haygarth, Psychotherapist, Lancashire, England, UK.

"Definitely a good tool to have at your disposal"

This technique has proven to be quite effective in my... Read More
- Kayli Larkin CCHT, Relationship Coach and Hypnotherapist, United States.

(Scroll down to read even more testimonials from our Rewind Technique course delegates.)

How does the course work?

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to learn the Rewind Technique. Many of our delegates are novices with computers yet perfectly comfortable within our online training area Uncommon U.

Here’s how it all works…

  1. You access the course by clicking the ‘Enrol now’ button.
  2. You get immediate access to the course materials, including a welcome video from myself as course leader, and access to the comments section where you can introduce yourself to your fellow delegates.
  3. You can begin Session 1 immediately, during which you learn about the cause and treatment of PTSD and phobic states. You listen to the audio lecture for the session and download the materials.
  4. You move on to Session 2, after which there is a short test. Once that is complete, you move on to Session 3 and complete the test for that.
  5. As you go along, you ask any questions you have in the comments boxes you’ll find on every page.
  6. You continue through the course in this fashion until you have completed all 3 Session tests.
  7. You receive your certificate of completion and confirmation of 10 CPD points/hours earned.
  8. You continue to have access to the course materials.

Testimonials from our previous delegates

These testimonials from our previous delegates expand fully on how the Rewind Technique has been applied in practice, from war veterans, victims of emotional, sexual or physical abuse, and phobias of many different flavours.

"If you could move a client quicker through their dark forest, why wouldn't you?"

Couldn't fault this course. The passion in the teaching, the... Read More
- Ella Walker, Psychotherapist, Melbourne, Australia.

"Thank you so much for providing me with another truly significant and life-changing tool!"

I have used the Rewind technique a few times to... Read More
- Kris Jones.

"By far the most interesting and excellently written and delivered course I've ever undertaken!"

The course has been fantastic, especially the videos and subsequent... Read More
- Claire Byard, Registered Childminder, Inverness, Highlands, Scotland.

"I did the Rewind Technique to myself in the first place...and I feel much better now and more confident"

Since I did the Rewind Technique course, my life has... Read More
- Rebeca, Relationship Coach, UK.

"I was literally able to apply the technique within hours of completing the course"

I really appreciate that the Rewind Technique course is offered... Read More
- Roberta McInturff, Hypnotherapist / Psychotherapist, Queensland, Australia.

"I would strongly recommend anyone working with trauma in any disguise from bullying in schools and the workplace to abuse victims and war veterans take this course"

I loved Rewind course. I already had 2 Master NLP... Read More
- Dawn Griffith, Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Milton Keynes, Britain.

"In one session her compulsive ruminating…is gone"

Just finished and passed the Rewind Technique course. I used... Read More
- Robin Aston, Certified mediator, Live coach, and Hypnotherapist, Maine, USA.

"I liked the information presented and the general approach as well as the rewind technique"

I really enjoyed the rewind course and all the extra... Read More
- Margaret Culliton, Family Physician, Corner Brook, NL, Canada.

"Her relief and demeanour at the end of the session were so markedly different and relaxed"

I already knew about this type of technique from my... Read More
- Claire Cleaver, Therapist, Sydney, Australia.

"She is very grateful that this is no longer a living terror in her daily life and I am grateful for such a successful tool to use with my clients"

The Rewind course from Uncommon Knowledge was well worth the... Read More
- Lura Carey, Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Registered Nurse, Pleasant Grove, Utah.

"Rewind is now my bread and butter"

Here is my latest testimonial from a client after I... Read More
- Clive Girdham, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Sydney, Australia.

"It was a burden that she has carried for more than five years…. After going through the Rewind Technique, she finally felt that she was free."

Thank you so much for this video and for teaching... Read More
- Alvin Baldovino, NLP Practitioner & Meta-Coach, Metro Manila, Philippines.

"It felt like a miracle in my head has happened"

I absolutely enjoyed listening to the Rewind Technique in a... Read More
- Juna Brookes, Counsellor and Psychotherapist, Leeds, UK.

"What can I say other than WOW!!!"

On Tuesday I had the blessing of working with a... Read More
- Mark Marsland, Hypnotherapist/life/sports coach and motivational speaker, Lincoln, England.

"I have found the courses at Unk to be so much better in terms of content than those I paid $1000’s for"

I completed the Rewind course over a year ago and... Read More
- Kerry Jeffery.

"Overall, this course is value for money and I’d recommend to any Hypnotherapist"

One word … fantastic! I have been a full-time Clinical... Read More
- Brett Cameron, Newcastle, Australia.

"This course has helped me develop as a practitioner who can confidently treat phobias and PTSD"

I loved the Rewind course and highly recommend it. The... Read More
- Gary Baker, Counsellor, London, England.

"So stunningly simple"

The Rewind Technique addresses the very core of human tragedies.... Read More
- Frederick, Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP (Master), Sydney, Australia.

"The Rewind Technique is brilliant in its simplicity"

The Rewind Technique is brilliant in its simplicity and is... Read More
- Pauline Brennan, Counsellor & Psychotherapist, Wicklow, Ireland.

"My first client saw a significant improvement after one session"

After completing the Rewind Technique course, I am now able... Read More
- Janice Hughes, Hypnotherapist and Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Brisbane, Australia.

"Thirty minutes earlier, I couldn’t say the word ‘rat’ to her."

The thought put into designing the course was remarkable. There... Read More
- William Johnson, Certified Emergency Hypnosis Trainer, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

"Shows wonderfully how to embark upon guiding the client through a very painful process"

I really enjoyed doing the Rewind Technique as it gave... Read More
- Anja Derks, Hypnotherapist/CBT, Christchurch, New Zealand.

"He calmly waited 15 minutes, then received the needle, feeling calm and relaxed the whole time"

My first time using the Rewind Technique was with a... Read More
- Jeanne Robinson, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reno, Nevada, USA.

"There is always more to learn to enhance therapy sessions...I would recommend this course"

I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and have been using the... Read More
- Diane Kirkham, Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner, Brisbane, Australia.

"This course is excellent value and valuable for all trauma"

I had heard a lot about the Rewind Technique but... Read More
- Tina Elliston, RGN Midwife and Counsellor, UK.

"After only one session they don't think about it anymore"

Offered in an informative and easy learning method. You can... Read More
- Lesley S, Counsellor and Hypnotherapist, London, England.

"I feel confident now in using the Rewind Technique and believe that I am much better equipped to help more clients"

The Rewind Course is excellent. The techniques I have learned... Read More
- Shola Charles, Hypnotherapist, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

"My clients are experiencing improved quality of life and the intervention is actually quite an enjoyable experience."

I've been disappointed so many times by courses that made... Read More
- Anonymous.

"It makes the fully-accredited, widely-touted, and insanely overpriced and largely useless Master's program I went through look...well, insanely overpriced and largely useless"

Let me just say that after looking over Session 1... Read More
- David Greenwald, Hendersonville, North Carolina, USA.

"The course is really comprehensive and provides a lot of content"

The course is really comprehensive and provides a lot of... Read More
- Cheah Lay Lin, Counsellora, Seremban, Malaysia.

"Simple to use and not traumatic for clients"

A great course for a treatment that gets results quickly.... Read More
- Amii Larsen, Psychologist, Adelaide, Australia.

"Provided for a more holistic approach that allows my clients to lower barriers to otherwise inaccessible beliefs and subsequent behaviours"

The Rewind Technique course has provided for a more holistic... Read More
- Bob Brotchie, Counsellor, England.

"Extremely satisfying to know that you have helped someone change a debilitating problem so that they can live a better life"

This technique is worth its weight in gold. It has... Read More
- Lynda Pulford, Hypnotherapist, Denver, Colorado, USA.

"Rewind Technique is now my first hand choice technique treating traumatized and phobic clients"

The course is perfectly organized and covers everything you need... Read More
- Eva Milton, Hypnotherapist, Vikingstad, Sweden.

"I have found the Rewind Technique...actually gets results"

As a therapist, I am constantly on the lookout for... Read More
- Andrew Jones, Psychotherapist, Cobram, Victoria. Australia.

"Many of my clients have had very positive results after one session"

"Treating trauma has challenges" can be an understatement! Having the... Read More
- David I Copeland, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Niceville, Florida, USA.

"I particularly like the gentle method it provides to deal with trauma"

I enjoyed the course very much and particularly like the... Read More
- Dr Susan Murray, Psychologist, UK.

"The Rewind Course helped me to gain confidence and competence in helping clients to relieve suffering"

The Rewind Course helped me to gain confidence and competence... Read More
- Stacey Cruz, Licensed Professional Counselor, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

"The rewind technique is very powerful and most of the time we get great results right from the first session!"

As a therapist & fertility coach, I'm always looking for... Read More
- Sarah Loveridge, Hypnotherapist & Fertility Coach, Paris, France.

"The Rewind Course manages to connect with the learner in a relaxed yet manicured fashion"

As a college educator, I am keenly aware that it... Read More
- Heather Gunn, Registered Nurse, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Alberta, Canada.

"Provides quick results for people who often see themselves as beyond help"

I have found the Rewind Technique to be valuable and... Read More
- Sue Vandenberg, Mental Health Nurse (private practice), Newcastle, Australia.

"I find the Rewind Technique a valuable addition to my toolkit"

As therapists, it is important to have a good range... Read More
- Geordie Thompson, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Perth, Australia.

"This one course in itself has made me a much better practitioner"

I found the Rewind Technique to be an invaluable addition... Read More
- Caroline Connor, Hypnotherapist, Melbourne, Australia.

"This technique has quickly and easily healed my traumatized clients without retraumatizing them"

The Rewind Technique has been a phenomenal addition to my... Read More
- Machell Bekaert, Psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, Cary, North Carolina, USA.

"An excellent, well laid out course that helps to build confidence and skill."

An excellent, well laid out course that helps to build... Read More
- Elaine Martin, Psychotherapist/Hypnotherapist, Brisbane, Australia.

"I found it much easier to learn in the comfort of my own home"

I found the Rewind course really interesting and presented in... Read More
- Shirley Macmillan, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Scotland.

"I am now able to live my life again, free from flashbacks"

This course enables therapists to receive training in the Rewind... Read More
- David Hunt, Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist, UK.

"An excellent course that allowed me to feel completely at ease with an essential technique that had previously intimidated me"

This is an excellent course that allowed me to feel... Read More
- A.D., Hypnotherapist, Paris, France.

"I have learnt abridged versions before. But this version is much more complete."

Rewind Technique is an excellent tool to have in your... Read More
- Anne Clarke, Clinical hypnotherapist/counsellor, Adelaide, Australia.

"It fired me up to get out there and try a few things"

I enjoyed The Rewind Technique course immensely, it’s totally relevant... Read More
- Shaun Maloney, Coach and Hypnotherapist (Hypnocoach), Kent, UK.

"It had haunted him for 50 years. It was gone in 20 minutes"

I find that with most people it will either get... Read More
- Emma Disney, East Sussex, UK.

"I have gained so much from your courses in a very short time and everything makes so much more sense to me now."

I only gained my qualification in the last 12 months... Read More
- Eddy Farrar, Hypnotherapist, Dorset, UK.

"I now have 100% confidence in helping my clients with phobia and PTSD"

I have really enjoyed being part of The Rewind Technique... Read More
- Janice Bowles, Hypnotherapist & Life Coach, Thame, UK.

"Single session and she was transformed"

Examples of use of the Rewind Technique: 1. Female, 18yrs... Read More
- Michael Keay, Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, NLP (GHR Reg) (DHypPsych).

"An actor with stage fright…cancelled his following appointment as he was doing an audition and is now back on stage."

I used rewind for an actor with stage fright who... Read More
- Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, East Sussex, UK.

"One of the most powerful tools in the box"

Ah – the rewind. One of the most powerful tools... Read More
- Graham Firth, Surrey, UK.

"The conference calls were very useful"

The entire concept captured me as it is a fantastic... Read More
- Lisa Taylor, Violence Against Women Support Worker, Glasgow, UK.

"She had tears of joy running down her face"

I have used the rewind extensively. It has been the... Read More
- Sally Ann Brown, East Sussex, UK.

"I have found your support…to be of an exceptional standard"

I must say that I have found your support with... Read More
- Kevin Suter, Registered Psychologist, South Africa.

"The Rewind gave me my life back"

As a therapist the rewind technique is invaluable to my... Read More
- Veryan Cooper, Aberdeenshire, UK.

"For most people it brings about immediate results"

I have had some amazing results with the rewind and... Read More
- Nicola Preston Bell, West Sussex, UK.

"In every case using the rewind provided immediate, profound and lasting relief in a single session"

The rewind is a fantastic technique. It makes me feel... Read More
- Alison Ward, East Sussex, UK.

"It seemed hard to believe anything so simple could address a lifelong phobia"

When first taught the principles of the rewind, it seemed... Read More
- D. Johnson, Middlesex, UK.

"I have personally found the rewind technique to be a very versatile tool"

As a therapist, I have personally found the rewind technique... Read More
- Nick Meredith, Cambridgeshire, UK.

"The difference the Rewind Technique can make to people’s lives is truly remarkable"

Many people have to compromise the way they live their... Read More
- Ian Sherred and Rebecca Welch, Southampton, UK.

"She was amazed at how relaxed she felt about the flight"

After experiencing a head on collision I had the rewind... Read More
- Kate Callow, Bedford, UK.

"A very powerful technique indeed"

I have had great success with this technique especially with... Read More
- Tom Ewings, East Sussex, UK.

"I love using rewind"

I must say that I love using rewind as I... Read More
- Margaret Walsh, West Sussex, UK.

"I would definitely recommend this to others"

I’m very satisfied. Thank you all for all the effort... Read More
- Mary George, Mental Health Counsellor Intern, St Petersburg, USA.

"Thanks to you both for the way you have constructed this course"

I thoroughly enjoyed the Rewind Course. I did a tremendous... Read More
- Patricia Baker, Retired nurse and English tutor.

"This technique represents a value in itself to any practitioner"

This technique represents a value in itself to any practitioner... Read More
- Jack Herron, Consulting Hypnotist, Ontario, Canada.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Rewind Technique compare to other trauma treatment approaches like EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing) or EFT (emotional freedom technique)?
Both these techniques use the same principle as the Rewind – that is approaching the traumatic memory while staying detached from it. What the Rewind adds is the key factor of relaxation which protects the client and increases the success rate of the technique. Keeping the client relaxed helps ensure they are comfortable and aids in proper reprocessing of the memory – basically the message to the brain is that if the body is relaxed while this memory is being encountered, it can’t really be dangerous.
What will I learn in each session of the course?

Session 1 – The cause and treatment of PTSD and phobic states

Understanding the cause of post-traumatic stress disorder and phobias will set the scene for your skills as a therapist who can effectively combat these debilitating conditions. From this session, you will understand:

  • The mechanisms in the human brain that prioritise and record trauma.
  • How you can treat much more than medically diagnosed PTSD and phobias.
  • The key to the rewind’s profound effectiveness.

Session 2 – The Rewind Technique in practice?

Discover how the Rewind Technique’s process of dissociation was developed and compare it with other treatments. Learn how to relax your client; and see why the Rewind is the most effective psychological technique in the West. Then we will help you grasp the Rewind Technique’s eight steps with the help of a few usual ‘uncommon’ fun, learning tools!

Session 3 – An effective structure for a client session?

Learn the RIGAAR model; a tried and tested structure for an effective session. Understand how to build rapport with your client and guide them to expecting a positive outcome. We will guide you through additional skills that will complete your ability to conduct an effective session when using the Rewind Technique.

Can anyone use the Rewind Technique?
We recommend that the technique is only used by qualified psychological practitioners with some experience in using the voice to relax clients. Which is why we have added an option above giving a discount on the Uncommon Hypnotherapy course.
Is the Rewind Technique supported by any efficacy research?
The Nova Trauma Support Services (part of the Barnardo’s charity) has shown remarkable results. The Nova team provide therapeutic support to individuals and families who have been psychologically traumatized, primarily as a result of their experiences in Northern Ireland, during the decades of “The Troubles”. The team worked with forty seven people, 57% of whom were treated with only the Rewind Technique. Twenty six would have met the criteria for PTSD. The results show that after treatment none of the forty seven people treated met the criteria for PTSD. There was also a significant reduction of all sub symptoms associated with PTSD, five categories had zero reports after treatment. Martin Murphy, lead clinician in the study, said the case notes repeatedly identified not only relief from symptoms but also the emergence of qualitative positive changes in the individual’s daily lives. He suggests that it is effective in children as young as 8 and adults at least to the age of seventy; and that the Rewind is effective for both single and multiply traumatized individuals. (Human Givens journal Volume 14, No 4- 2007)
Can I use the Rewind Technique remotely?
I (Mark Tyrrell) have used The Rewind Technique remotely with many clients to great effect. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind for a successful remote session:

  • Stable Connection: Ensure that both you and the client have a reliable and clear internet connection. This helps in maintaining a smooth and undisrupted session.
  • Comfortable Setting: Ensure the client is in a quiet and relaxing space where they won’t be interrupted.

While the experience of remote therapy differs from in-person sessions, this study demonstrated the effectiveness of Rewind delivered remotely.

You can’t go wrong with this money-back guarantee

Image of Refund Guarantee

I promise you will be astonished at the results you get treating your next 3 traumatized clients after completing the course. And that they will feel much better after a single session. You are the judge. If you don’t agree this is the case, simply ask and I’ll refund you.

Enrol on the Rewind Technique course below:

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Rewind Technique course (Instant Online & App Access)

Rewind Technique Course Screenshot

Course + 1:1 Coaching with Mark Tyrrell

Instant access to the course plus 1 to 1 coaching with Mark Tyrrell
Includes full course plus an hour's coaching on Zoom with Mark.

Prefer to pay in instalments? Click here

$100 off Uncommon Hypnotherapy for those who need to learn hypnosis:

(You can convert from US dollars to GBP, EUR, AUD, CAD or NZD during the checkout process)

Rewind Technique course + Uncommon Hypnotherapy (Instant Online & App Access)

Rewind Technique & Uncommon Hypnotherapy Course Screenshot

Courses + 1:1 Coaching with Mark Tyrrell

Instant access to the courses plus 1 to 1 coaching with Mark Tyrrell
Includes full course plus an hour's coaching on Zoom with Mark.

Prefer to pay in instalments? Click here