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Products Archives: Rewind Technique Training

    Shirley Macmillan

    I found the Rewind course really interesting and presented in a professional and straightforward manner which gave me confidence to start using it with clients as soon as l had completed it. I enjoyed doing the training online as l could do it at my own pace. Being able to access the tutorials, Q&A’s, and other resources as often l want is really helpful, also knowing that there is a professional team to contact if required. I will definitely do more online CPD courses with Uncommon.

    l have learned a new technique for helping future clients with trauma/phobia issues, l have the printouts l need for future reference, and I found it much easier to learn in the comfort of my own home. No travelling costs and preferable to some of the training courses l have attended often sitting in a busy room, taking notes, and watching a PowerPoint presentation.

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    David Hunt

    This course enables therapists to receive training in the Rewind Technique in a very pragmatic way, accommodating a wide variety of learning styles. Techniques for treating clients with trauma are evolving all the time, so it was really appropriate for my needs, as well as future clients at this time. What was more important for me was that it was safe to use and administer without distress to clients.

    I tried the technique on myself on completing the course. The treatment for trauma was successful and I am now able to live my life again, free from flashbacks, anxiety, and agitated depression.

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    This is an excellent course that allowed me to feel completely at ease with an essential technique that had previously intimidated me. The technique has worked well on spiders, a woman who was gang-raped by 3 older guys at age 16, a car accident. etc… The people report knowing the memories are back there somewhere but not really being able to access them as before and definitely not having old emotions. I highly recommend the Rewind Technique as an integral part of any therapeutic toolbox!

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    Anne Clarke

    Rewind Technique is an excellent tool to have in your therapy room to work with clients’ unwanted traumatic memories. It’s a very safe technique. I have learnt abridged versions before. But this version is much more complete. Thanks Mark and team for bringing together a very comprehensive training package.

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    Shaun Maloney

    I enjoyed The Rewind Technique course immensely, it’s totally relevant to what I do on a day to day basis. I especially liked the mix of theory and video learning. It fired me up to get out there and try a few things and I was really happy (and more comfortable practicing) when I received my first lot of really positive feedback – results, results, results – that’s what it’s about.

    I had a client who hadn’t flown for nearly 25 years. We took a little time to go through periods of turbulence and fear that had affected her. She texted me from Portugal a week later – it was one of the best texts I have received and one of the best she has sent, I expect. I was also able to Rewind over Skype to an ex Royal Marine who was working in the Alps. He sat and relaxed in his Land Rover somewhere up a mountain and we worked through things which he has found really useful. I thought this would be especially testing but worked great.

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    Emma Disney

    I find that with most people it will either get rid of, or significantly reduce the fear or phobia in just one session. Once you know the technique, you can confidently ‘fix’ simple fears, anxieties and phobias with confidence. I use this technique often, and have used it for everything from simple problems such as nerves about giving a presentation at work, to more complex problems such as childhood abuse, to long term ‘known traumas’ such as getting lost as a child, to straightforward phobias such as fear of injections. Learn it, and you’ll have a great tool for your therapy tool box, which is flexible and adaptable for different clients and different situations. It also shows a client, very quickly, how you can begin to help them with life-long problems. I once did the technique on a recovering alcoholic, who had a childhood memory of a chair being thrown out of a window by an angry parent. It had haunted him for 50 years. It was gone in 20 minutes. He couldn’t believe it!

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    Eddy Farrar

    I only gained my qualification in the last 12 months and at the time of completing my course I was seriously lacking in the confidence to get started for real. Three of your courses further down the line and I now have masses of confidence and have started my practice feeling utterly calm, ready and able to handle my clients, knowing I can really help them. I have gained so much from your courses in a very short time and everything makes so much more sense to me now. I just wanted to say thank you so much!

    However, having said that, I wasn’t madly confident so I did manage to convince the training company to allow me to use the Rewind Technique on one of my final case studies although we hadn’t covered it on our course, for a spider phobia.

    I remembered it virtually word for word from when you used it to remove my Spider phobia over 14 years ago on an Introduction to Hypnosis course and I downloaded the script from your website for back up. It worked beautifully and about a week afterwards my client ran up to me in the supermarket, threw her arms around me and excitedly told me how she had been able to easily handle a spider for the first time in her life.

    Obviously I knew about the Rewind Technique before doing this course, but had no idea just how many problems it could help with. Onwards!

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    Janice Bowles

    I have really enjoyed being part of The Rewind Technique course. The information provided is so thorough that I now have 100% confidence in helping my clients with phobia and PTSD. The sessions are very well presented and easy to follow, which is essential as there’s a lot of information to absorb.

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    Michael Keay

    Examples of use of the Rewind Technique: 1. Female, 18yrs about to totally give up college and subsequent University offer because of a very strange and quite complex phobia triggered by certain cars and (even more bizarrely) people with a certain appearance. Single session and she was transformed. She is still fine and at University (18 months on) 2. Man 41. Fear of elevators (after being trapped in a lift and a helpful fellow passenger shaking the car and talking about plunging downward) – Session and telephone back-up. He later visited NYC and went to both the Empire State Building and the Rockefeller centre.

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    Lesley Cruickshank-Robb

    I used rewind for an actor with stage fright who had been working as a plasterer for 3 years as he could not face auditions or any kind of acting. He had one session where I used rewind. He cancelled his following appointment as he was doing an audition and is now back on stage. I have also used rewind for several people with flying phobias. All have since flown happily. One all the way to Australia and back.

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