Dr Charles Rice
Clinical psychologist Dr Charles Rice is from Idaho, USA.
How long have you been practising?
35 years.
What sort of practitioner are you?
A Licensed Clinical Psychologist.
Do you see clients from home or in a clinic?
Clinic that I own.
What problems/issues do you treat most?
Anxiety and depression.
What are your biggest frustrations running your practice?
Staff and dealing with Medicaid.
What do you find hardest about your daily work?
Paper work.
Do you find your professional body supportive and helpful?
Not very.
Do they help you create connections with fellow therapists?
Not really.
How do you balance work and life?
Stress management/avoiding burnout… Yes. I meditate every morning up to an hour and my wife makes me have fun on weekends.
What motivated you to become a therapist in the first place?
My mother was a single parent and a psychiatric head nurse at a time when nursing didn’t pay much. She took me to the small, private sanitarium when I was in my early teens where she worked. I ate with the patients & played badminton with them in between mowing the lawn. She also parked in front of the chief psychiatrist’s large house while we ate our bag lunch. I got the message.
What frustrates you most about the way mental health is dealt with in your country?
Medicaid, for example, won’t pay for hypnosis as they say it is not psychotherapy. Blue Cross also won’t pay for it.
Can you tell us about your most uplifting experience treating a recent client? (anonymously of course!)
Hypnotizing a patient with arm levitation induction and achieving eye catalepsy for a woman with severe PTSD, panic and anxiety who had been treated with EMDR and other methods in the past without success. She was without much hope and was delighted that her excellent imagination could be utilized to achieve these responses. She was also responsive to positive suggestions and is more optimistic about her future recovery.
Read more about Dr Rice’s Living Hope Clinic.