Alena Guest
Alena Guest is a hypnotherapist from Northern California
What sort of Practitioner are you?
I am a certified medical support hypnotherapist, on staff at our local hospital and in private practice.
Where do you live?
I live on the Mendocino Coast, in Northern California. The village where I have my office has a population of 1,008. I have nearly a 180 degree view of the Pacific Ocean from my office deck. My building is an “old” Victorian (at least by American standards) and is one of the historical landmarks in this area.
How long have you been practicing?
I’m entering my eighth year this month.
What sort of practitioner are you?
Like so many in the healing professions, I’m a “wounded healer” myself. Because hypnotherapy continues to be the most profound and effective modality I’ve experienced – I’m passionate about this privilege, to be a mid-wife for my client’s recovery of their True Self. I assert everyone possess his solution inside.
Do you see clients from home or in a clinic?
What problems/issues do you treat most frequently?
Though I welcome any problem within my scope of practice, often the presenting symptom at it’s root is often due to one’s not feeling worthy of love, or safe.
What are your biggest frustrations running your practice?
My only frustration is not making enough money.
What do you find hardest about your daily work?
This is the great work of my life, but before becoming a hypnotherapist, I’d never run a business. After my training I “hit the ground running.” Though I do good work and have an excellent reputation, there is much about business management that is not intuitive. I thought, “if I did what I loved the money would follow.”
Do you find your professional body supportive and helpful? Do they help you create connections with fellow therapists?
Let me tell you a story… When I was first added to the hospital staff and therefore invited to do a presentation at a medical staff meeting, I was stunned by the physicians’ disinterest (which was amplified by their not even giving me eye contact).
Undoubtedly fortified by my own hypnosis, I soldiered on. I knew that I had prepared well – with evidence based studies, rather than anecdotal claims. So, I contacted a couple of the doctors afterwards and invited them for coffee. During a conversation with one specialist, he said, “The reason I haven’t referred to complementary practitioners, like yourself, before now is that it would be a tacit admission of my own failure.”
From then on he’s been a reliable referral source. Some of the “old guard” are not on board, but the hospital just ordered 100 of my surgery preparation CDs.
How do you balance work and life? Stress management/avoiding burnout…
I have chosen to live in one of the most pristinely beautiful places on earth, where old growth redwoods meet the ocean. It is inspiring spiritually and artistically. (I’m a fine artist too www.alenaguest.com).
I met my soulmate here 22 years ago, which was miraculous, since it’s such a rural, remote place.
I exercise (cardio, yoga, Pilates and strength training) and I also practice self-care (body work, facials, acupuncture and self-hypnosis).
Since one of the great cities of the world, San Francisco, is only a 3 hour drive, my husband and I travel there to see great theater, many times a year.
What frustrates you most about the way mental health is dealt with in your country?
This is a frustrating topic now, because the funding for our mental health facilities, including alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs, has been severely cut.
Can you tell us about your most uplifting experience treating a recent client? (anonymously of course!)
A client with intense anxiety over attending an upcoming event, was able to reverse her fixed idea. She mapped across the traumatic memory of her humiliation as a child, with the unconditional love of her young daughter. It was uplifting for both the client and myself. The end result was her feeling comfortable and confident while at that event.
Pictured above: Alena at work with a hospital patient. You can read more about Alena’s work at www.alenaguesthypnotherapy.com
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