Here are six ways you can help terminally ill clients find comfort, relaxation, and resolution.
Mark Tyrrell’s Therapy and Counselling Tips Podcast
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Twice a week, Mark reads one of his therapy tips articles and occasionally discusses psychology-related topics.
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How to Boost The Immune System With Hypnosis: Podcast 116
Continue reading »Long gone are the days when it was assumed the mind and body were separate and distinct, that the thoughts and feelings of the mind had no or little direct effect on the workings of the body.
How to Help Bullied Clients: Podcast 115
Continue reading »If we are to help our bullied clients, the first thing we need to understand is what exactly is happening when someone is being bullied.
Should You Use Regression in Therapy?: Podcast 114
Continue reading »False memories can be created during regression. Here are four reasons why taking your client back to the past isn’t always the right approach.
How to Encourage Post-Traumatic Growth: Podcast 113
Continue reading »Character is built through experience – here are 3 therapy strategies which help your client reflect on what they have learnt from their troubles
Power of Questions: Podcast 112
Continue reading »Questions have an amazing ability to disrupt toxic thought patterns and widen perspectives. Here are 17 really useful solution-focused questions you can use with clients.
Open Your Client’s Mind for Change: Podcast 111
Continue reading »How to use gossip (yes really) to help your therapy client.
The Dark Side of Your Emotional Needs – Status: Podcast 110
Continue reading »Wanting to be recognized can easily morph from a need to a demanding, all-consuming greed. So why is the drive for status so strong?
How to Help a Compulsive Shopper: Podcast 109
Continue reading »It’s useful to ask when the out-of-control spending began and what, if anything, changed during that time. So often a problem pattern is a sloppy and unconscious way of trying to meet a primal emotional need.
Help Your Clients Sleep: Podcast 108
Continue reading »Regular, deep sleep is a necessity for a healthy life, so here are three more tips for treating insomnia.