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Get Free Therapy Techniques in Your Email Inbox Every Week

If you are a therapist or coach of any persuasion; counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, life coach, bodyworker, in fact anyone who works in the helping professions, you will glean valuable, actionable ideas, tips and techniques from Clear Thinking, my free therapy techniques newsletter.

In it you'll find a wide range of topics including solution focused therapy approaches, cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques, ideas from DBT, hypnotherapy, counselling and even the occasional philosophical piece. I've been treating people with psychotherapy for more than 30 years and I've drawn what I find useful from many fields. I hope you find it helps you in your practice too, whatever flavour of helper you are.

  • key-social-skills

    6 Key Social Skills to Teach Your Shy Clients

    Relationships are what bring meaning to most people’s lives. Social connection matters to both health and happiness. Whatever our natural tendencies, we can all learn to be better socially. So what social skills might we want to help our socially unskilled clients develop?

  • relationship-saving-strategies

    How to Help Your Client Stop Over Criticizing the Ones They Love

    Good relationships are the biggest predictor of a happy life,[1] yet excessive expressions of contempt destroy relationships like nothing else.[2] Contempt, commonly expressed in the form of criticism, fundamentally communicates the idea that “you are worthless”, even if this is not the intention.

  • the-pandemic-and-us

    The Pandemic and Us

    The world has changed. We have become divided, even splintered. What did this series of coronaviruses do to society? To collective and individual psychology? Certainly, anxiety conditions, depression, and addictions, as well as sleep disorders may well have increased hugely during the pandemic.3 And the treatment of other illnesses and diseases has been, in some […]

  • client-hypnotically-capable

    How to Tell if Your Client is Hypnotically Capable Without Using a ‘Susceptibility Test’

    Therapeutic technique needn’t always be laid bare in a procedural or even bureaucratic form of doing therapy. Rather, I feel it’s best to have it flow and feel natural as part of a very human interaction. In a recent Q&A session I was asked about why I don’t teach standard hypnotizability tests in my courses […]

  • track-therapy-client

    How to Keep Your Therapy Client on Track

    We practitioners need to know where the therapy is going. This means being aware of the ‘signposts’ on the way to therapeutic success. So how can we best monitor and ratify?

  • projection-in-therapy

    3 Reasons Your Clients Project and What You Can Do About It

    People, at least sometimes, describe themselves when they describe others. This is what is known as psychological projection. Projection is a block to self-understanding and therefore to self-development. While it may provide comfort to the projector in the short term, it inevitably causes unhappiness and fractured relationships in the long term – as diminished understanding […]

  • stop-your-clients-panic-attacks

    7 Steps to Help Stop Your Clients’ Panic Attacks

    ‘Panic attack’ is actually a misnomer, since nothing is ‘attacked’. A house alarm doesn’t ‘attack’ the house it’s protecting, but it can sound when it doesn’t need to. Stopping panic attacks is about aligning the panic response so it only happens when it really needs to. When our clients overcome panic attacks, they get their […]

  • stop-headline-thinking

    How to Stop ‘Headline Thinking’ in Your Depressed and Anxious Clients

    Sometimes something stated as an immutable fact in a headline turns out to be simply conjecture or even a just a faint possibility when we bother to read further. But what if, as seems to be increasingly the case, a person thinks in ‘headlines’?

  • spot-client-incongruence

    Three Perceptive Ways to Spot Client Incongruence

    Incongruence – seeming to be one thing while really being or feeling another – can blight relationships or even whole lives. People can sometimes be honest with you as far as they know, yet if you dig a little deeper there may be other things going on. So what signs can we look out for?

  • sports-performance-client

    Three Transcendental Tips to Help Your Sports Performance Client

    I’ve found that supreme sporting performance requires an optimal state of mind. And this is about not just what the participant has in their mind but, equally importantly, what they exclude from their consciousness. Here are some approaches I’ve found useful when working with sporting clients.