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Get Free Therapy Techniques in Your Email Inbox Every Week

If you are a therapist or coach of any persuasion; counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, life coach, bodyworker, in fact anyone who works in the helping professions, you will glean valuable, actionable ideas, tips and techniques from Clear Thinking, my free therapy techniques newsletter.

In it you'll find a wide range of topics including solution focused therapy approaches, cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques, ideas from DBT, hypnotherapy, counselling and even the occasional philosophical piece. I've been treating people with psychotherapy for more than 30 years and I've drawn what I find useful from many fields. I hope you find it helps you in your practice too, whatever flavour of helper you are.

  • despairing-client

    7 Steps to Lead Your Client Out of Despair

    Despairing clients often despair of everything, even of what they love. But with time, patience, and support, clients can overcome even the most difficult challenges and live fulfilling, meaningful lives. Here are some strategies I have used to help clients find the light again. I hope they prove useful to you when faced with a […]

  • aid-client-self-compassion

    How to Aid Client Self-Compassion

    Our relationship with ourselves is a lifelong relationship, and it needs to be committed and steady. When we value, respect, and are patiently well disposed to ourselves, we avoid the dizzy heights of self-adulation but also the lacerating self-despisement of the low self-esteemer. Here I suggest five ways to enhance your clients’ self-compassion and self-acceptance.

  • help-clients-stop-comparing-themselves-to-others

    How to Help Clients Stop Comparing Themselves to Others

    It can be useful to inwardly compare yourself to others sometimes. But when social comparison becomes a dominant mode of functioning, you are more likely to harm yourself with it than help yourself. So how can we help our clients cease lacerating themselves on the bitingly sharp self-criticisms of comparanoia? Here are a few approaches […]

  • psychiatric-drugs-for-therapists

    A Quick Guide to Psychiatric Drugs for Therapists

    Unless you’re medically trained in drug usage, you won’t be expected to be an authority on psychotropic drugs, their potential benefits and side effects, or even withdrawal protocols. But here I want to give you just a rough and ready guide so that you don’t draw a complete blank when your client discusses medication.

  • artificial-intelligence

    Why Artificial Intelligence Won’t (Completely) Replace a Good Therapist (Yet)

    ChatGPT reached 100 million active users by January 2023, making it the fastest-growing easy-to-use consumer application in history. It ain’t going away. But is it coming for your job? Here’s why I don’t see artificial intelligence (completely) taking over the role of the therapist any time soon.

  • water-vortex

    How to Become a More Flexible Therapist

    Reality has a way of interfering with our carefully laid plans and theories. We’ve learned our methods and gained all our suppositions as to how clients are supposed to be and act… but then, lo and behold! The client reacts contrary to what we’ve learned. Most inconvenient! Here are some pointers to help you adapt […]

  • research-roundup-19

    Research Roundup 19

    Scientism treats scientific findings as unquestionable dogma of almost a religious dimension. But the disinterested and unbiased pursuit of truth for its own sake, whatever it may reveal, is possible – and, I hope, alive and well. In this series I take five recent research findings and suggest what they might mean about life in […]

  • self-sabotage-in-relationships

    How to Stop Self Sabotage in Relationships

    Self-sabotage can impact all areas of a client’s life, but relationship sabotage can be especially disruptive. I’ve worked with hundreds of relationship saboteurs over the years, and they all do similar things. Here’s what not to do when seeking to have a sustainable and happy relationship.

  • stop-obsessing-over-toxic-ex-lovers

    How to Stop Your Clients Obsessing Over Toxic Ex-Lovers

    Not too long ago I was asked on a Q&A call about what might be going on when clients feel addicted to an ex even though they know consciously the person is no good for them. Listen to or read my reply to hear my take on why this happens and give a couple of […]

  • the-role-of-humility

    The Role of Humility in Personal Development

    Being humble (and not in the way some people boast of being humble!) is not just a virtue because people say it is, but because it is a pathway to greater efficiency and greater perception. So what exactly is humility, and why is it so important to the individual, the community, and the world as […]