Sometimes we need to help our clients find the shades of grey so they can build on the more subtle improvements in their situation.
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If you are a therapist or coach of any persuasion; counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, life coach, bodyworker, in fact anyone who works in the helping professions, you will glean valuable, actionable ideas, tips and techniques from Clear Thinking, my free therapy techniques newsletter.
In it you'll find a wide range of topics including solution focused therapy approaches, cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques, ideas from DBT, hypnotherapy, counselling and even the occasional philosophical piece. I've been treating people with psychotherapy for more than 30 years and I've drawn what I find useful from many fields. I hope you find it helps you in your practice too, whatever flavour of helper you are.
Common Working Practices We Don’t Follow
I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking it’s unhealthy that sending work emails at 9pm has become normal.
10 Therapy Questions to Get to the Root of the Problem
Before assuming something’s seriously wrong, assess how your client is meeting the Primal Human Needs we all share.
3 Techniques for Good Grief Counselling
Helping the bereaved client feeling they can’t have any meaningful existence without their deceased loved one.
“Is It Crucial To Identify The Very First Event Which Created A Trauma Pattern?”
Why finding the root cause of a phobia will not lift it.
Why Affirmations and Compliments Don’t Boost Low Self Esteem
Working with low self esteem is much easier when you understand how it is warping your client’s thinking style
How to Open Your Client’s Mind for Change
How to use gossip (yes really) to help your therapy client.
How to Help First Timers Relax About Hypnosis
Have you noticed that some clients feel under pressure to ‘perform’ or ‘do it right’ when it comes to the hypnosis part of therapy?
Where to Find Over 100 New Therapy Training Videos
Watch Mark demonstrate various reframes, techniques, hypnotic inductions and more in our new ‘French’ videos.
The Amazing Priority-erizing Machine
Borrow our decision-making process to help see your business priorities in a clearer light.