A jealous person can make life miserable not only for their partner, but for themselves.
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If you are a therapist or coach of any persuasion; counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, life coach, bodyworker, in fact anyone who works in the helping professions, you will glean valuable, actionable ideas, tips and techniques from Clear Thinking, my free therapy techniques newsletter.
In it you'll find a wide range of topics including solution focused therapy approaches, cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques, ideas from DBT, hypnotherapy, counselling and even the occasional philosophical piece. I've been treating people with psychotherapy for more than 30 years and I've drawn what I find useful from many fields. I hope you find it helps you in your practice too, whatever flavour of helper you are.
“How do you calm an extremely depressed, crying and distraught person?”
What I did to calm a hysterical teenage client – and build rapport at the same time
How to Reframe the 5 Most Common Physical Depression Symptoms
Sleep disturbance, aches and pains, loss of sex drive… depression often causes physical symptoms. Here’s how to reframe the 5 most common ones.
Treating Painful Memories: 2 Techniques
A step-by-step guide to treating painful memories causing your clients problems in the present.
Treating Perfectionism: 3 Therapy Strategies
Sandy’s militant perfectionism had left her isolated and lonely. Here’s how I helped her change her thinking style.
3 Confidence Tips For Therapists and Counsellors Wrestling With Self Doubt
Confidence isn’t just about certainty. We may be the professionals, but we are not all-knowing seers.
How to Dispute Irrational Beliefs Without Breaking Rapport
If your client tends to leap to emotional conclusions, here’s 3 ways to subtly dispute irrational beliefs and help them see the world in a much clearer way.
How to Reframe: “Life’s Not Fair!”
What I do with a client who feels injured, damaged, or cheated by life’s bad luck.
“If a client says they are stressed should one first help them gain control, prior to helping them stop smoking?”
What to do when stressed clients want to stop smoking, and you’re concerned about other areas of their lifestyle health