Help clients move forward quickly with these three life coaching techniques.
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If you are a therapist or coach of any persuasion; counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, life coach, bodyworker, in fact anyone who works in the helping professions, you will glean valuable, actionable ideas, tips and techniques from Clear Thinking, my free therapy techniques newsletter.
In it you'll find a wide range of topics including solution focused therapy approaches, cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques, ideas from DBT, hypnotherapy, counselling and even the occasional philosophical piece. I've been treating people with psychotherapy for more than 30 years and I've drawn what I find useful from many fields. I hope you find it helps you in your practice too, whatever flavour of helper you are.
Uncommon Knowledge’s Explainer Videos
Relationship insecurity, public speaking fear, hypnosis, and depression explained with these 90-second explainer videos.
Crisis Intervention: 5 Critical Steps
What causes an emotional crisis and how can we successfully manage it? Here are five ways to handle a client in crisis, so you can feel confident in your crisis intervention skills.
Establish a New Revenue Stream with the Uncommon Practitioners Partner Program
Share the revenue from any practitioners you refer to our products and courses. The way our partner program works (sometimes called an ‘affiliate program’) is that you earn 35% of any revenue generated by people you refer.
How Much Do Practitioners Charge?
How much do you charge for a therapy session? Do you find it difficult to decide? We asked 334 therapy practitioners about the costs involved in running their business and how much they charge. You can see the infographic with the results here.
Causes of Depression at Different Life Stages
Depression is a ‘disease of civilization’ and a curse of modern living. Here are some of the common life events that pose a risk of depression, and the reasons why it might happen.
Top 10 CBT Worksheets Websites
Finding clinically-sound, easy-to-access CBT worksheets can be the therapist’s challenge. Here’s a list of ten of the best CBT resource sites for you to use as a reference point for your practice.