Since 2011, Caroline Dyson has been developing and establishing the Hypnotherapy in Schools Program, which uses clinical hypnotherapy to help pupils with any aspect of their emotional health or wellbeing, thereby improving their ability to learn effectively.
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If you are a therapist or coach of any persuasion; counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, life coach, bodyworker, in fact anyone who works in the helping professions, you will glean valuable, actionable ideas, tips and techniques from Clear Thinking, my free therapy techniques newsletter.
In it you'll find a wide range of topics including solution focused therapy approaches, cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques, ideas from DBT, hypnotherapy, counselling and even the occasional philosophical piece. I've been treating people with psychotherapy for more than 30 years and I've drawn what I find useful from many fields. I hope you find it helps you in your practice too, whatever flavour of helper you are.
Online Therapy: The Practitioner’s Definitive Guide
Online therapy, sometimes referred to as e-therapy, distance therapy/counselling or tele-therapy, has become an increasingly popular choice for individuals seeking care. So we’ve put together the definitive guide to online therapy.
How to Help Your Asperger’s Client in Their Romantic Life
Relationships can be hard to maintain for those on the autistic spectrum. Loneliness and isolation are common, as the seemingly random ‘noise’ of emotionality and human interaction leave them feeling constantly overwhelmed. Here are three ways to help your Asperger’s clients find the intimacy they seek
Why Are We All So Scared?
As the media pedals an increasingly pessimistic world view, generalised anxiety disorder and depression increase.
Asperger’s Hypnotherapist Reveals How the Condition has Affected His Life
In this podcast, I talk to hypnotherapist Dan Jones about his experiences living with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Therapeutic First Aid: Step 1
Why the first step in therapeutic first aid has to be relaxation.
Treating Cannabis Addiction
Under the guise of meeting human needs, marijuana steals a great many things. Read, and listen to, my tips for treating cannabis addiction.
6 Soothing Steps for Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety makes mountains out of molehills, and monsters out of moles. Here are six tips for treating generalized anxiety disorder in your clients.
Approaching Asperger’s
In this guest post, UKCP-registered hypnotherapist Paul Hughes shares some core truths he has learned while specializing in treating clients with Asperger’s Syndrome and high functioning autism.