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CPD Points/Hours available in Uncommon Practitioners TV at 21 February 2025

Uncommon Practitioners TV (UPTV) is a resource for practitioners of all persuasions to see brief, solution-focused therapy in action with real clients.

We have set out the various elements of UPTV below along with a breakdown of the Continuing Professional Development points/hours for each element.

On joining UPTV, there are 190.5 hours/points immediately available.

As at today’s date there are a total of 219 CPD hours/points in UPTV, including 27 CPD hours/points if you have all the parts of the Uncommon Psychotherapy course.

Note: On joining UPTV, the Introduction and Module One of the Uncommon Psychotherapy course are immediately available. The remainder is released on a weekly basis so as not to overwhelm you (please see below for a breakdown of CPD for each part of the course).

New content is added to UPTV on a regular basis and these hours/points will be updated monthly to reflect this.

It is assumed that the practitioner has watched, read and/or listened to every element available to them in UPTV at today’s date.

Client Conversations

Client Conversations are video footage of real client sessions treating a variety of issues including depression, panic attacks, generalized anxiety, PTSD, social phobia.

There are examples of the following techniques shown in the Client Conversation videos: goal setting, hypnotic language, hypnotic phenomena, inductions, information gathering, miscellaneous techniques, reframing, resource location and amplification, solution focused questions, stories and metaphors, utilization.

The approaches used incorporate techniques from Brief Solution Focused Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Human Givens Therapy, Person-Centred Counselling, Coaching and many other schools of therapy.

Each video varies in length (from just under 8 minutes long to over an hour). You can see summaries of all the Client Conversations currently available inside UPTV here.

At today’s date, there are a total of 151 Client Conversation Videos in UPTV.

CPD Points / Hours – 135

Client Commentaries

Client Commentaries feature the two founders of Uncommon Knowledge (Roger Elliott and Mark Tyrrell) discussing the client session to give a higher level view of the therapy used.

At today’s date, there are a total of 137 Client Commentaries in UPTV.

Each commentary varies in length (from 6 minutes to over 15 minutes).

CPD Points / Hours – 39

Technique Demonstrations

Technique Demonstrations sessions are scripted sessions, filmed with actors which makes it possible to clearly demonstrate specific techniques.

Articles written by Mark Tyrrell are included which relate to each video (or series of videos). This helps to set the videos in context and provide background information.

At today’s date, there are a total of 103 Technique Demonstration videos in UPTV, with 43 associated articles.

The videos range from around 2 minutes to 10 minutes long, although the majority are around 2 minutes in length.

The topics covered in this section are:

Client Motivation Series

  1. Deploying the Power of Sub Goals
  2. How to Help Your Clients Achieve Their Therapy Goals

Depression Treatment Technique Series

  1. 3 Crafty Ways to Instantly Boost Self Esteem in Depressed People
  2. 3 Smart Steps to Help Depressed Clients See a Brighter Future
  3. How to Measure Therapy Progress in Depression
  4. How to Treat Depression: 3 Simple Steps
  5. Metaphors for Depressed Clients
  6. Reframing your Depressed Clients’ Symptoms
  7. Treating Learned Helplessness in Depression
  8. Using Rehearsal or Future Pacing in Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy Technique Series

  1. 3 Gentle Ways to Bring Your Clients Out of Hypnosis
  2. 3 Ways to Ask Powerful Healing Questions
  3. 3 Ways to Use the Power of Focus to Elicit Trance
  4. First Time Hypnotherapy Clients
  5. How to Use Dissociation in Therapy
  6. Using Hypnotic Phenomena in Hypnotherapy
  7. What To Do When They Ask, “But Does Hypnosis Work?”

Psychotherapy Technique Series

  1. 10 Therapy Questions to Get to the Root of the Problem
  2. 3 Quick Steps to Enlist your Client’s Subconscious Mind to Help Them Heal
  3. 3 Relapse Prevention Strategies For Substance Abuse Therapy (Including Smoking Cessation)
  4. 3 Techniques for Good Grief Counselling
  5. 3 Techniques for Treating Jealousy
  6. 3 Ways to Communicate Client Responsibility in Therapy
  7. 3 Ways to Use Classical Conditioning in Therapy and Counselling
  8. 4 Types of Therapeutic Task
  9. Deconstructing Double Binds
  10. Does Your Client Psycho-babble?
  11. How To Boost Client Motivation In Therapy
  12. How to Dispute Irrational Beliefs Without Breaking Rapport
  13. How to Do ‘Hero Therapy’
  14. How to End Therapy
  15. How to Get Your Clients to Really Listen
  16. How to Help your Client Stop Worrying
  17. How to Help Your Clients Sleep: The Insomnia Treatment Therapist’s Checklist
  18. How to ‘Loosen’ a Belief
  19. How to Reframe “Life’s not fair!”
  20. How to Set Therapeutic Tasks That Get Done
  21. How to Use Exception questions in Psychotherapy
  22. How to Use the Miracle Question
  23. Solution Focused Therapy Techniques: Scaling
  24. Teaching People to be Beautiful and Strong
  25. Therapeutic Reframing: 3 Key Principles
  26. Therapy Techniques for Negative Thinking
  27. What Is ‘The Observing Self’ And Why Is It Such A Powerful Therapy Tool?
  28. Working with Resistant Clients: 3 Tried and Tested Tips

CPD Points / Hours – 16.5

Uncommon Psychotherapy

Uncommon Psychotherapy is the box that holds the tools of our other courses. It’s the background psychology we use at a deeper level; it’s about simplifying psychotherapy and removing confusion and complexity so that the practitioner has a fundamental, simplifying model of what people need to be healthy and happy, and some new tools to help them get there.

On joining UPTV, the practitioner has access to the Introduction and Module 1 of the course. The remaining Modules or part Modules are released at the rate of one every few days, until all 8 Modules are available, all tests completed and the final Module 8 test is completed. On completion of the final test, a Certificate of Completion for the Uncommon Psychotherapy course is issued.

Each Module or part Module consists of at least one video (the audio of that video available to download) along with the supporting PDF document.

At today’s date (if the practitioner has been a member since Uncommon Practitioners TV launched in January 2016), the full Uncommon Psychotherapy course is available to the Practitioner.


An introduction to the course.

Total CPD = ½ point / hour.

Module 1 – Human Primal Needs

What we all need and what this means for the practitioner’s clients. How this knowledge feeds into ‘higher’ pursuits. Why unmet needs are the source of all problems and why our society fuels this.

Total CPD = 1 point / hour.

Module 2 – Personality and character

What you seem to be versus what you are. The difference between personality and character and how this can help you see clients more clearly. How knowing why people create a ‘mask’ can help you understand your client and convey confidence they can get better. Tailoring therapy and counselling to each individual to increase rapport and effectiveness. What current research says about ‘personality types’.

Total CPD = 2 points / hours.

Module 3 – Brain works (4 CPD)

Selections from the latest brain research that can help you help your clients.

Part 1: The brain – a window on the universe (½ CPD)

Part 2: Distinguishing mind and brain (½ CPD)

Part 3: The brain as a pattern matching organ (½ CPD)

Part 4: Expectation and pattern matching (½ CPD)

Part 5: Stress and the brain (½ CPD)

Part 6: Metaphors, stories and dreams (1 CPD)

Total CPD for Module 3 = 4 points / hours.

Module 4 – What therapists need to know about memory (4 CPD)

How memory really works and just how unreliable it is.

Part 1: The nature of memory (1 ½ CPD)

Part 2: Working with memory in therapy (1 ½ CPD)

Part 3: Regression and progression (1 CPD)

Total CPD for Module 4 = 4 points / hours

Module 5 – Understanding problems (2 ½ CPD)

The set ways in which things go wrong for people. A clear model for understanding what lies at the root of any problem.

Part 1: How things go wrong (1 CPD)

Part 2: Damaging ‘solutions’ and what to do about them (1 ½ CPD)

Total CPD for Module 5 = 2 ½ points / hours

Module 6 – Beliefs (3 CPD)

What a belief is and how it filters perception. Faulty conclusion we all draw from hidden beliefs. How beliefs come about (and how to guard against them).

Part 1: What is a belief? (1 CPD)

Part 2: Working with problem inducing beliefs (2 CPD)

Total CPD for Module 6 = 3 points / hours

Module 7 – Focus and attention (2 CPD)

Why where and how people focus their attention can cause, or solve, problems. The role of focus in addiction. How attention works and how to carefully direct it in therapy and counselling. Why mindfulness meditation works well for some people – and not so well for others. The best way to do self talk. Using the concept of the ‘hidden observer’ to help clients. How controlling focus can be used for pain control.

Total CPD for Module 7 = 2 points / hours

Module 8 – Doing therapy

A clear model for any therapy or counselling session for best results. The importance of strategy in therapy and how to be strategic. Why rehearsal will increase your success rates and how to do it.

Part 1: RIGAAR and expectation (1 CPD)

Part 2: Rapport (1 CPD)

Part 3: Goals and solution focused principles and language (2 CPD)

Part 4: Utilization, systematic therapy – and resistance (1 CPD)

Part 5: Resources and reframing (1 CPD)

Part 6: Task setting (1 CPD)

Part 7: Ending therapy (1 CPD)

Total CPD for Module 8 = 8 points / hours

Total CPD Points / Hours for Uncommon Psychotherapy course: 27