Margaret Anne Hobby
Margaret Anne Hobby is an NLP-based relationship coach from Aldinga Beach, South Australia.
How long have you been practising?
Three years.
What sort of practitioner are you?
Do you see clients from home or in a clinic?
At home, over the phone or Skype.
What problems/issues do you treat most frequently?
Relationship – with self and others.
What are your biggest frustrations running your practice?
Marketing and getting on top of the technology.
What do you find hardest about your daily work?
Getting more clients.
Do you find your professional body supportive and helpful? Do they help you create connections with fellow therapists?
Basically, no – I think the ICF is more interested in coaching per se rather than aligning therapists – that is really more up to me. However, I also belong to the American Board of Hypnotherapists and there is help there if I look for it – and I am going to say that I have been enjoying so much more and learned so much from your site.
NLP Prac, Master Prac and Train the Trainer with Tad James. Diploma in Life Coaching from The Coaching Institute in Melbourne, a health based coaching course with Hilton Johnson.
How do you balance work and life?
At the moment, this is not a problem since I have so few clients. I keep a diary and work from that religiously.
What frustrates you most about the way mental health is dealt with in your country?
I am not a doctor and feel that too many people are drugged to the eyeballs rather than taught how to deal with their issues in a more resourceful manner. I recognize there are needs for drugs at times and I am seriously concerned at how many people I encounter are on some prescription drug, it seems almost whether they need it or not.
Can you tell us about your most uplifting experience treating a recent client? (anonymously of course!)
I had a client who felt divided, where part of him was this and part of him was that, and so we did a Parts Integration. At the time, I was relatively new at this and as nothing was happening, I appealed to his unconscious mind and suddenly it all came together – I nearly fell off the chair and the client was eternally grateful because he was suddenly free and at peace.
Pictured above: Margaret’s therapy room.
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