When cognitive distortions and thinking errors coalesce into internal patterns about how the world works and who the self and other people fundamentally are, they form a narrative. Break that pattern with these techniques.
Psychotherapy Techniques Articles by Mark Tyrrell
The therapeutic relationship is vital; rapport and listening skills help our clients no end. But there are plenty more useful psychotherapeutic strategies and techniques. This collection was created to present some ideas and techniques which perhaps you won’t be so familiar with and also presents more familiar strategies in what I hope are new and interesting ways. Here you’ll find such topics as ‘mirror therapy’ and strategies to help the self sabotaging clients and many more. Grab a cup of tea or coffee, relax and find ideas for therapy you can use straight away.
A Brief History of Psychotherapy
It seems that to be effective, therapists need to focus on client resources and potential solutions at least as much as pathology and causes.
5 Ways to Help Your Clients Make Tough Decisions
We all approach life’s crossroads sometimes. There are paths, maybe many, to choose from. Help your clients see things more clearly so they can move forward.
Paradoxical Interventions: My Client Who Fell
When you’re not getting the results you want, stop what isn’t working and try something new and unexpected. Widen the way you see the problem.
The Power of Questions
Questions have an amazing ability to disrupt toxic thought patterns and widen perspectives. Here are 17 really useful solution-focused questions you can use with clients.
Treating the Yo-Yo Dieter
Help your clients reach a stable, sustainable weight with these five techniques.
How to Spot and Treat Emotional Eating
Emotional eating is a pattern that can be learned in childhood or develop when our human needs are not being met. Here are five ways to disrupt this unhealthy pattern.