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Psychology Research Articles by Mark Tyrrell

Although human problems are as old as the hills, it is useful for practitioners to keep up to date with psychological research. We all need to better understand the human condition. Here you’ll find what I hope are entertaining pieces on recent studies and my take on what they might mean in practical terms for ourselves and our clients’ lives. Unless we can make sense of study findings and see how they fit into a bigger understanding of what it means to be human then all the research in the world may be worthless.

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    Research Roundup 21

    It’s Research Roundup time again! In these occasional pieces I take five findings from psychological science and give my ideas as to what they might actually mean. How they might fit into the puzzle of the human condition. So what have I got in store for you this time?

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    Research Roundup 20

    Like a spaceship constantly bombarded with meteorites, during the course of our human lives we find ourselves pelted continually by bits of information. Some of it is valuable, some of it may be essential, and much of it is useless… unless we see where it fits in the greater scheme of things.

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    Research Roundup 19

    Scientism treats scientific findings as unquestionable dogma of almost a religious dimension. But the disinterested and unbiased pursuit of truth for its own sake, whatever it may reveal, is possible – and, I hope, alive and well. In this series I take five recent research findings and suggest what they might mean about life in […]

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    Research Roundup 18

    Wisdom isn’t a mere compilation of facts, acquired then put aside, only to be brought out occasionally to impress others like some family heirloom. I think we become wiser when we are able to make sense of what we know, contextualize it, and see where it fits in the bigger picture.

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    Research Roundup 17

    How do research findings connect to the bigger picture of reality? What do interesting psychological titbits actually tell us about the wider human condition? How can we increase understanding of ourselves and others, rather than simply accruing more information? In this occasional series I take five pieces of recent research and offer my take on […]

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    Research Roundup 16

    Reality flows and merges, and yet we fragment it into separate bits. This is useful sometimes, but we lose a sense of wholeness when we only approach knowledge that way. In this occasional series I take five recent psychological studies and attempt to see how they might fit into the bigger pattern of what it […]

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    Research Roundup 15

    We don’t always get the complete picture from a part. And yet we’re spoon-fed or even hosed down with ‘factoids’ in a constant flood of information. In this occasional series I look at five recent research studies and suggest what I feel they may mean to the bigger picture of being human.

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    Research Roundup 14

    Our world is now flooded with data. We’re deluged with snippets that might be vital, but more often mean little. Our brains aren’t really set up to sift, filter, and prioritize the blizzards of info bits we struggle through.

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    Research Roundup 13

    The danger of viewing everything exclusively through a scientific lens, rather than looking at things in the spirit of truth – what we might call ‘wise science’ – is that it splinters reality excessively. It loses the bigger picture. We become wiser when we understand not just the parts but also the living, wider patterns […]

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    Research Roundup 12

    Research showing yoga can help depression in the long as well as short term, evidence that we can create fake news in our heads, a study looking at depression in the final year of life, what helps with impostor syndrome, and an exploration of what love does to the mind and body.