Long gone are the days when it was assumed the mind and body were separate and distinct, that the thoughts and feelings of the mind had no or little direct effect on the workings of the body.
Hypnotherapy Techniques Articles by Mark Tyrrell
Hypnosis is still somewhat of a mystery for many practitioners. Yet its potential for therapeutic benefit is enormous and well studied. In these pages you’ll find both de-mystification and education. These articles were created to appeal to both the hypnotically clinically skilled therapist as well as the practitioner who might just have a budding interest. There’s a great variation here so please dive in and enjoy.
4 Simple Steps That Boost Your Therapy Clients’ Willpower
Weight loss, quitting smoking, breaking bad habits and starting new positive ones: so many therapy goals involve willpower.
4 Effective Therapy Techniques For Treating OCD
Four handy techniques to help you help your obsessive compulsive clients put all that behind them.
3 Vital Reasons Why I Use Hypnosis For Treating OCD – And Why You Should Too
Every single one of the hundreds of OCD sufferers I’ve treated over two decades have described how, when they are obsessing or acting compulsively, they feel like they ‘space out’.